Greenford Church of England VC Primary School

The Church of England


Year 5

Year 5 Staff (ID 1199)



 Welcome to the class page for Year 5.

Year 5 marks the beginning of UKS2, which means that you are nearing the end of your Primary school career! In year 5 we encourage an independent attitude towards your own learning, encouraging children to develop their own ways to make progress while supporting them with help and support when they need it. We also love it when children are inquisitive and inspired to go the extra mile.

There is so much to look forward to in year 5 including learning inquiries about Rivers, The Trojan Horse, Mountains and the Ancient Egyptians to name a few. 

Children will also have the opportunity to take part in many events outside of school such as  visiting the Kingcombe Centre to find out about rivers, and a trip to the Tutankhamun museum in Dorchester. There are also many sporting events to get involved with such as Tag Rugby, Football, Netball, Handball and Cricket.

So hold on tight and get ready for an exciting ride!!

Mr Rice


 Year 5 Au 1 Timetable

Year 5 Au 2 Timetable

Year 5 Sp 1 Timetable

Year 5 Sp 2 Timetable

Year 5 Su 1 Timetable 

Class Dojo Parent Login  Class Dojo Student Login

Autumn 1 - We will be learning ...

 Whole class guided reading text:

English Writing Stimulus:

Cosmic - writing to entertain - science fiction/humour

Using dialogue effectively

Grammar focus - speech punctuation, colons to introduce lists


Place Value

Addition and Subtraction

Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 5 Mathematics.

Geography: Inquiry question - What is a River?

PE: Football (Monday) and Gymnastics (Friday)

Computing: Computer systems and networks

Art: Typography and Maps

RE: How far would a Sikh go for his/her religion?

PSHE: Me and my relationships

Science: Forces - Friction and Gravity

French: Phonics

Music: Sing Up Music - What shall we do with the drunken sailor?

Autumn 2 - We will be learning ...

 Whole class guided reading text:


English Writing Stimulus:

City of Silence - writing to entertain - poetry

Grammar focus - types of nouns

The Odyssey - writing to entertain - epic adventure stories

Grammar focus - using expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely.


Multiplication and division


Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 5 Mathematics.

History: Enquiry question - The story of the Trojan Horse: historical fact, legend or classical myth?

PE: Hockey (Monday) and Gymnastics (Friday)

Computing: Video production

Design and Technology: making a Pop-Up book

RE: Christianity - Is the Christmas story true?

PSHE: Valuing differences

Science: Forces - Friction: Air and water resistance

French: Seasons

Music: Sing Up Music - Why we sing (gospel music)

Spring 1 - We will be learning ...

Whole class guided reading text:

 The Abominables - Scholastic Shop

English Writing Stimulus:

The Dreadful Menace - writing to entertain - poetry

Grammar focus: word classes

Everest (by Alexandra Stewart) - writing to inform - non-chronological reports, diary writing

Grammar focus - using commas to avoid ambiguity



Multiplication and division

Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 5 Mathematics.

Geography: Enquiry question - Why are mountains so important?

PE: Dance (Wednesday) and Gymnastics (Friday)

Computing: Programming - Selection in physical computing (Crumble Kits)

Art: Set Design

RE: Sikhism - Are Sikh stories important today?

PSHE: Keeping Safe (play the CEOP ThinkYouKnow Band Runner game here)

Science: Properties of materials - burning

French: Presenting myself

Music: Sing Up Music - Introduction to song-writing

Spring 2 - We will be learning ...

Whole class guided reading text:

English writing stimulus:

The Egyptian Cinderella - narrative writing of a tradition tale with a different setting.

Grammar focus - using comparative conjunctions

Instructions - How to make a mummy

Grammar Focus - using adverbs of time.


Decimals and percentages

Perimeter and area


Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 5 Mathematics.

History: Enquiry question - What happened to the boy behind the golden mask?

PE: Ultimate Frisbee (Tuesday) and Tennis (Friday)

Computing: Vector Drawing

Design and Technology: Electrical systems - Doodlers

PSHE: Rights and respect

RE: Did God intend Jesus to be crucified and if so, was Jesus aware of this?

Science: Properties of materials - dissolving mixtures and changes of state.

French: My family

Summer 1 - We will be learning ...

Whole class guided reading text:

English writing stimulus:

Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover - expanded explanation texts.

Grammar Focus - using the passive voice, using brackets, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis


Multiplication and division


Shape - angles

 Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 5 Mathematics.

Geography: Enquiry question - Why is Fair Trade Fair?

PE: Dodgeball (Monday) Athletics (Friday)

Computing: Programming - Selection in quizzes.

Art: Fashion design

PSHE: Being my Best

RE: How can following God bring freedom and justice?

Science: Properties of materials: Irreversible changes - Acids and Bicarbonate of Soda

Music: Kisne Banaaya - A song from India and Pakistan

Class News

Click the links below to see the latest learning in Year 5 on our Class Dojo page!

Class Dojo Parent Login Class Dojo Student Login 

Homework - Daily and termly tasks.

Daily Home Leaning

 Reading - At least 10 minutes per day (logged in reading diaries).

Accelerated Reader login for quizzes

Spelling - At least 5 minutes per day practicing previous spelling patterns learnt in school. If the children have individual spelling from and adult, please focus on these first. the children have been given an exercise book to work in if they need it. These don't need to be brought into school each week.

Spellings Unit 1 - words with a silent letter b 

Spelling Special Focus 1 - words that contain the letter-string ough

Spelling Unit 2 - words ending in -ible

Spelling Unit 3 - words ending in -able

Spelling Unit 4 - words with silent letter t

Spelling Unit 5 - words ending in -ibly and -ably

Spelling Unit 6 - words ending in -ent

Spelling Unit 7 - words ending in -ence

Spelling Unit 8 - the ee sound spelt ei

Spelling Unit 9 - words ending in -ant, -ance and ancy

Spelling Unit 10 - words ending in shus spelt -cious

Orange Words - In addition to the spelling patterns learnt in each unit, the children in year 5 are expected to know and be able to spell a set of common exception words. These are words that don't necessarily fit into an easily learnable spelling pattern, have something that is particularly tricky or are commonly spelt incorrectly. At Greenford, we refer to these as Orange Words and we learn them through our spelling sessions. Once we have learnt sets of these words, they will be added to the bottom of the spelling homework sheets and will be included in our speed spell activities. Below is a complete list of the words, and the year 3 and 4 Orange Words that the children have previously learnt.

Year 3 and 4 Orange Words

Year 5 and 6 Orange Words

Planpanion - Each week, you will be expected to complete a piece of online learning using the Planpanion learning platform. This will be linked to either our Maths or English and should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Weekly tasks will be set on Monday to be completed by the following week.

Planpanion Login

The children now have their own logins to the Language Angels website. Here, they will be able to play interactive games and listen to songs linked to the topics that we have learnt in class. Click the link below to explore. Have fun!

Extended Home Learning Tasks

 Please click on the link below to find out about your extended task linked to our work in humanities.

Year 5 Extended Home Learning Project Autumn 2 - HistoryYear 5 Extended Home Learning Project Spring 1 - GeographyYear 5 Extended Home Learning Project Spring 2 - History

Year 5 Extended Home Learning Project Summer 1 - Geography









Year 5 Kingcombe River Visit


Year 5 Art - Typography and Maps